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Caps & Guards

Experts You Can Rely On!

Chim-Tek has the expertise to install and recommend the appropriate chimney cap for any vent or chimney if a standard chimney cap does not fit. For large or unusual sizes, we have special caps. We also stock wind directional caps, draft inducing caps, copper caps, and UL Listed caps for manufactured fireplaces. All types of caps are made available to our solutions staff.

When you request our services, based on the information you provide and your specific needs, our technicians identify the right chimney cap for you. For instance, if you are looking to prevent heat loss to reduce heating bills, we suggest the use of damper caps.

Once the correct chimney cap is identified we do a proper and hassle-free installation of the cap on your chimney.

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Why Every Chimney Needs A Cap?

Discourage Backdraft

If certain wind conditions exists, a chimney cap will discourage downdrafts. Some caps are specifically designed to prevent wind from blowing across the chimney, others actually create an updraft when wind blows through them!

Arrest Sparks

Many chimney caps include 18-gauge wire mesh to reduce the amount of sparks and large ash that is normally blown into the air and onto rooftops.

Stop Rain

A chimney cap prevents rain from entering the chimney. Rain can cause damper and firebox rust leading to expensive repairs.

Stop Birds

Chimney caps will prevent birds, squirrels, bats or other animals from entering the chimney to nest.

To find out which cap is right for your chimney and specific conditions, Contact our team to schedule an assessment.